Jump to: Hiawatha Notices | Service & Program Changes | Have Symptoms, Now What? | Been Exposed, Now What? | COVID-19 Testing | Vaccines | Stop the Spread | Proper Hand-Washing | Social Distancing and Social Circles | Masks & Face Coverings | Facts & Symptoms | Comparison Chart | How to Self-Monitor | How to Self-Isolate | Food Handling | Public Health Notices | Government Benefits & Support | Resource Links
As you may be aware First Nations are at greater risk of becoming ill from COVID-19 due to our higher incidents of diabetes, heart disease and cancers. We want to be pro-active and give our due diligence to prevent the spread of the spread of the virus in our community. We take the health of all our Citizens, especially those most vulnerable our seniors, young children, and all those who are immune compromised, of the utmost importance.
We are following recommendations from Ontario and Canada to try and mitigate risk, not only for our Community, but to all work together to help slow/stop the spread of this virus.
We encourage our Citizens to check in with family members and neighbors who have mobility/health issues. Our COVID – 19 Task Team are talking daily and meeting weekly to keep updated on local, regional and national changes and we will make the necessary changes at the Community level as required. We will continue to keep you updated. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call our Office at 705-295-4421.
Hiawatha Notices
- Moderna Supply for 6 months-5 years (2023-02-28)
- COVID-19 Vaccine Clinic on November 21, 2022 (2022-11-14)
- Tips How to Stay Healthy and Avoid Serious Respiratory Illness (2022-11-14)
Older Notices are available here
Service and Program Changes
FACE MASKS OR COVERINGS – Face masks or coverings are voluntary in all public spaces within the boundaries of Hiawatha First Nation.
OLD RAILROAD STOP STORE & GAS STATION – ORRS is open to the general public. Hours are 7:00 am-9:00 pm daily. Deliveries from the store can be made available–contact ORRS for more information.
OLD RAILROAD STOP RESTAURANT – The restaurant is open. Please call 705-295-7125 for current hours. The health and safety measures laid out in their business safety plan will be strictly followed.
CRAFT SHOPS AND CIGARETTE SHOPS – Open for their regular business hours. Will continue to strictly follow the safety measures laid out in their business safety plans.
ADMINISTRATION OFFICE – Appointments are recommended if you need to meet with Administration Staff. Will continue to strictly follow the safety measures laid out in the organization’s safety plans. You can call 705-295-4421 to book an appointment with the Staff person you need to meet.
L.I.F.E. SERVICES CENTRE – Appointments are recommended if you need to meet with Health Staff. Will continue to strictly follow the safety measures laid out in the organization’s safety plans. You can call 705-295-4421 to book an appointment with the Staff person you need to meet.
CHILD CARE CENTRE – Remains open under the current strict regulations of the Ministry.
YOUTH CENTRE – The Youth Centre is open, with restrictions in place.
FITNESS CENTRE – The Fitness Centre is open, with restrictions in place.
WORSHIP SERVICES – Safety protocols are in place.
SOCIAL GATHERINGS – Unorganized indoor gatherings are not permitted. Unorganized outdoor gatherings are limited to 10 people and masks must be worn if 2 metres (6ft) of distance cannot be achieved. Organized public events and gatherings are not permitted without prior approval of HFN COVID-19 Task Team and Council.
BOAT LAUNCH – Our boat launch and big dock (the “point” as we know it) is closed to the general public. These will remain open for the use of Hiawatha First Nation (HFN) citizens and their spouses, permanent HFN residents (lessees), and Otonabee-South Monaghan (OSM) permanent residents. If you reside on Hiawatha Line, Paudash St., Lakeshore Rd., Angela’s Lane, Sopers Lane, Kent’s Bay Rd., Maple Rd., Cowe St., Hatrick Rd, Ivey Lane, or Thompson Rd. you are permitted to use the boat launch. Please read the notice here.
FISHING – Fishing is closed to the general public.
BEACH – The beach is closed to the general public.
PLAYGROUNDS – The playgrounds are closed to the general public.
BALL DIAMOND – The ball diamond is closed to the general public.
Have COVID Symptoms. Now What?

- PCR Test is the most reliable (can be booked as an Indigenous person);
- Rapid Molecular Test (RMT) is the next reliable and can be booked at the LIFE Centre by calling 705-295-4421;
- Rapid Antigen Test (RAT) is to be used when there is an outbreak or you are experiencing symptoms
Been Exposed to COVID. Now What?

- PCR Test is the most reliable (can be booked as an Indigenous person);
- Rapid Molecular Test (RMT) is the next reliable and can be booked at the LIFE Centre by calling 705-295-4421;
- Rapid Antigen Test (RAT) is to be used when there is an outbreak or you are experiencing symptoms
COVID-19 Testing
If you think you have coronavirus (COVID-19) symptoms or have been in close contact with someone who has it, use this self-assessment to help determine how to seek further care.
Click here for the Government of Ontario Self-Assessment Tool
There are four places in Peterborough to be tested for COVID-19, depending on the severity of your symptoms or if you are symptom free:
Aligned with provincial guidelines for COVID-19 testing, appointments will be required for the testing centre at Northcrest Arena (100 Marina Blvd.). The link to the booking tool is available here. This testing site will no longer offer drive-through testing; individuals with appointments will be asked to come inside the arena for their test. You can only book an appointment online for the Northcrest Arena testing site if you answer yes to one of the following:
- ● You are showing mild symptoms of COVID-19
- ● Peterborough Public Health has informed you that you have been exposed to a confirmed case of COVID-19
- ● You have received a notification through the COVID-19 Alert App
- ● You are part of an outbreak investigation as informed by Peterborough Public Health
- ● You are required to be tested routinely, such as staff at long-term care and retirement homes
- ● You are planning an indoor visit with a loved one at a long-term care home
- ● You are a traveler without symptoms and require a test to confirm you do not have COVID-19 before travelling internationally
- ● You have been advised by a medical professional that testing is required prior to a procedure.
- ● You are required to be tested before admission to a congregate setting or other facility
When booking your appointment:
- ● Please indicate which of the screening criteria you meet in the “reason for appointment” text box
- ● When you have completed the appointment scheduling form and clicked on “Book Now” you will receive an email confirmation that your appointment has been booked successfully.
- ● A separate appointment must be booked for each person being tested; if there are multiple people in one car, each person requires their own email confirmation
- ● Bookings will be opened two days in advance, and a limited number of appointments will be available for each day. If there are no appointments displayed in the calendar, all available slots are booked. Please check back the next day.
On the day of your appointment:
- ● Please arrive five (5) minutes before your scheduled appointment time
- ● Please bring your Health Card and Driver’s Licence (if you have one)
- ● Present your confirmation email (printed or electronically) when you arrive. You will not be permitted access to the Northcrest Arena testing site without your email confirmation
- ● You may only attend the Northcrest Arena testing site at the time of your scheduled appointment
- ● You may be screened when you arrive at the testing site; if you do not meet one or more of the screening criteria listed above, you will not be tested for COVID-19
If you have COVID-19 symptoms and need to be assessed by a doctor, contact PRHC’s COVID-19 Assessment Centre directly by phone at 705-876-5086 to determine whether an appointment is required. This phone line is staffed from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. seven days a week. The Assessment Centre is currently experiencing very high call volumes. The PRHC Assessment Centre will be closed on Thanksgiving Monday.
Shoppers Drug Mart at 741 Lansdowne St. West is now offering COVID-19 testing for people without symptoms by appointment only. Testing at this location will begin Thursday, October 15. People calling to book an appointment will need to meet at least one (1) of the following testing criteria:
- ● Resident or worker in long-term care home
- ● Visitor to a long-term care home
- ● Resident or worker in a homeless shelter
- ● Resident or worker in other congregate living settings and institutions
- ● International student who has passed their 14-day quarantine period
- ● Farm worker
- ● Person requiring a COVID-19 test for international travel clearance
- ● Indigenous communities
- ● Person who requires a test prior to a procedure/surgery
To book an appointment, call 705-748-6141 and follow the recorded prompts. You will be screened by a pharmacy staff member and then booked for a test if you meet the criteria.
If you have severe symptoms of COVID-19. Call 911 or come to the Emergency Department. Alert the 911 dispatcher/entrance screener to your travel history and symptoms.

Stop the Spread

Proper Hand-Washing

Social Distancing & Social Circles

Click here to view a video with information on social distancing.

Non-medical Masks and Face Coverings

Facts & Symptoms

Comparison Chart of COVID-19 and Influenza (Flu)

How to Self-Monitor

How to Self-Isolate

Self-Isolation for Close Contacts
- If you are caring for or living with someone who has the virus, you are considered a “close contact.”
- Self-isolation: Guide for caregivers, household members and close contacts
Food Handling
Fruits & Vegetables
Rinse produce before you eat or prepare
People are looking for clear guidance on fresh fruits and vegetables.
Produce is important to our diets — share with your communities that running tap water and clean hands are all you need to rinse fresh fruits and vegetables at home. Bleach, detergents and soap are not intended to be eaten by you or anyone!
This video shows how to rinse fresh fruits and vegetables.

Public Health Notices
Older Notices are available here
Resource Links
- Peterborough Public Health
- Ontario Government Ministry of Health
- Government of Canada – Latest and most up-to-date info on COVID-19