Starting November 1st, the City of Peterborough has a new contractor for Blue Box recycling collection and processing. The new contractor is Emterra Environmental.
What does this mean for Hiawatha’s collection program?
While the curbside collection service does not change (Waste Connections Canada will continue to collect your garbage and Blue Box recyclables), the way in which the materials are processed may change. The new contractor, who will be processing your Blue Box materials, requires the Blue Box paper and container streams to be cleaner. This means you need to make sure that the recyclable papers are separated from the recyclable containers. In the City of Peterborough, the contractor has announced that if residents don’t sort their recycling properly, then it won’t be collected.
You can read the article in the Kawartha Now on-line newspaper at
To ensure that collection is not affected in Hiawatha, we ask that you sort your Blue Box materials properly. To improve our Blue Box program, staff have applied for funding from Indigenous Service Canada to purchase new Blue Box containers for every residential home. We are in the early stages of the funding process but will continue to keep you informed.
Your continued participation and support of the Blue Box program is appreciated.