Posts By: Hiawatha First Nation

Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) – Information for Parents

From Peterborough Public Health Positive Parenting during COVID-19 Co-parenting during COVID-19 Pregnancy, Postpartum and Infant Feeding Activity Ideas and Learning Opportunities Support for Families Couple/Parent tips *Acronyms WHO = World Health Organization CDC = Centres for Disease Control and Prevention CPS = Canadian Paediatric Society PHAC = Public Health Agency of Canada

Citizen Communique #2: Shelter In Place Order

April 1, 2020 Aannii Citizens, This communique is to give notice that, effective immediately, Hiawatha First Nation has put a ‘Shelter In Place’ Order for our Community. Similar actions have been taken by a number of First Nations and Municipalities across Canada as we all move to do our part in containing the spread of… Read more…

Flood Watch Issued for the Region of Otonabee Conservation

Issued to: Municipalities of Selwyn, Douro-Dummer, Asphodel-Norwood, Otonabee-South Monaghan, Cavan Monaghan, City of Kawartha Lakes, City of Peterborough and Trent Hills, and Otonabee Conservation’s other partners in flood emergency management. This FLOOD WATCH is issued to alert municipalities and residents that flood conditions are a possibility. Weather Forecast: A low pressure system that will enter… Read more…

Citizen Communique: State of Emergency Declared

March 27, 2020 Aannii Citizens, This communique is to give you notice that we have declared a State of Emergency for our Community of Hiawatha First Nation. Otonabee South-Monaghan has also declared a State of Emergency for the Township. At this time there are NO confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Hiawatha or Otonabee South-Monaghan. By… Read more…