COVID-19 Update #8 to Citizens, HFN Residents and OSM Residents

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Aaniin Citizens, HFN Residents and OSM Residents,

It has been 3 weeks since we took down the check point station as part of our Stage 1 re-opening process, and have since worked on our Stage 2 re-opening plan. Stage 2 re-opening will be effective July 10, 2020 – please see information below:

Stage 2 Re-Opening:

  • ● Shelter In Place Order lifted.
  • ● Businesses hours will be extended to 9:00 am – 7:00 pm.
  • ● Old Railroad Stop (ORRS) Restaurant will remain curb-side pick up only (outside dining option is currently in planning process).
  • ● Certain Health Services – Deep Tissue Massage.
  • ● Non-essential construction inside the home to resume at the discretion of the homeowners (Permit required)
  • ● PSW’s back in client’s home, wearing proper PPE and strict guidelines in place (July 6, 2020)
  • ● Status Cards – New/Renewals by appointment only and for HFN Citizens only.
  • ● Child Care Centre (Mid-July) with strict guidelines in place.
  • ● Youth Centre (August – planning in process).
  • ● Administration and Health Offices (August – planning in process).

Remaining Closed:

  • ● Boat Launch to general public.
  • ● Beach to general public.
  • ● Playgrounds.
  • ● Ball Diamond to general public.
  • ● Tent & Trailer Park for season.

The businesses will continue to have health and safety measures in place, and must be followed by everyone who access these businesses. Should you not comply with the safety measures in place at a business or closed area of Hiawatha you will not be served and will be asked to leave.

Hiawatha will continue to keep the “State of Emergency” declaration in place until further notice. The Province of Ontario also has their Declaration of Emergency in place under the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act. Hiawatha will also continue to remain 2 – 3 weeks behind the province in our re-opening stages.

Social Gatherings:

When gathering with people who are from outside your household you should still stay the recommended two metres apart, and is still limited to 10 people or less with implementation of social distancing, hand hygiene, and sanitization measures. The 10 people can also be in your home (effective July 10, 2020) as long as a physical distance of two metres can be maintained with people who do not live your household.  

You must continue to:

  • ● Limit gatherings to 10 people, keeping preventive measures in place.
  • ● Leave two metres (6 feet) between yourself and next person.
  • ● Frequently wash hands with soap and water or use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer.
  • ● Cough or sneeze into your sleeve.
  • ● Avoid contact with people who are sick.
  • ● Avoid touching your face.
  • ● We recommend wearing a face mask in public, especially at Hiawatha places of Businesses.

Social Circles:

A close group of up to 10 people, who can interact without physical distancing. Even though we can reunite we must still continue to remain on guard.

For your social circle

  • ● Start with your current circle. These include the people you live with or who regularly come into your household. 
  • ● If your current circle is under 10 people, you can add members to your circle, including another household, family members or friends. 
  • ● Keep your social circle safe. Maintain physical distancing with anyone outside of your circle.  

Please Note: Violation of gathering orders will be reported to the police and fines will be issued. If you are aware of any persons violating this order please call OPP at 1-888-310-1122 to reach the Provincial Communications Centre.

COVID-19 Testing:

On Tuesday, July 7, 2020 we will be holding another drive through test centre at the LIFE Services Centre from 10:00 am – 1:00 pm.

Once again we encourage everyone to get tested. These tests determine our ability as to how and when we open our Community. The data from these test will also assist us as we work on our pandemic plan, and plan and prepare for wave two of this pandemic.

Citizen Zoom Meeting:

On Thursday, July 9, 2020 from 6:00 – 7:00 pm we will be holding another Citizen Zoom Meeting to review our Stage 2 Re-Opening plans and follow up on items brought forward from the last meeting. The information to sign in for this meeting has been posted on our website at and on our social media pages.

Facial Mask Wearing:

Wearing a non-medical face mask when in public helps provide a layer of protection and in conjunction with physical distancing measures could limit the transmission of the virus. 

As we move into phase 2 we do encourage everyone to wear a face mask while in public settings, especially in public buildings where distancing measures may not be possible (ie: Malls, Grocery Stores, Businesses, etc).

We will continue to use every tool at our disposal to protect the health and safety of our Citizens, HFN and OSM Residents during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. The actions taken to date by Hiawatha, and by everyone who practised the preventive measures had made the difference, and allowed for us to now begin our Stage 2 re-opening phase.

We have come a long way, not only in our Community, but also in our Ontario and Canada. We have done very well in keeping the virus out of our Community, keeping the risk of the transmission low, and the number of COVID cases low in our local area and in the province and across the country. In saying this, we must remain vilgent in our efforts for when the second wave hits. How hard this wave hits will depend on all of us and our diligence.

We still have a way to go with this pandemic and each and everyone of us must take responsibility and continue to practise all measures put into place, including social distancing, hand hygiene, and sanitization to keep each other safe. These measures are also vital for us to be able to move into our Stage 3 re-opening phase.

In closing, we would like to say “Chi-Miigwetch” to all of you for your patience and kindness during this time of re-opening of our Community. We look forward to Stage 2 of our continual re-opening and thank you in advance for ongoing practice to follow health and safety measures.

“Our Citizens and Community remain our first priority and we will work to mitigate risks for best possible outcomes moving forward through the COVID-19 pandemic.”