
Core Consultation & Land Resource Development

The Core Consultation and Land Resource Development office was established to address the Crown’s (Federal and Provincial Governments) “Duty to Consult.” This is in response to the Supreme Court of Canada decision relating to the Crown’s “Duty to Consult” aboriginal communities regarding proposed land development when their treaty and traditional lands are impacted.

Our mandate is to engage with governments and private sector proponents on land and resource matters that may affect the Treaty and inherent rights of our First Nation.  Hiawatha First Nation’s traditional territory has been affected by numerous and various developments, which have impacted our traditional territory, way of life, and sustainability of Hiawatha. Our traditional ways are derived from the land. Hiawatha is not opposed to development. We would like to be reassured that wildlife, habitat, air, and water tributaries would be adequately protected from contamination for 7 generations without upsetting the balanced eco-system/relationship we have with our Mother Shka-ki-mi-kwe (Mother Earth).

Hiawatha First Nation also wants to ensure that responsible practices are being implemented to protect the heritage and archaeology of the Michi Saagiig. To ensure the proper respect is given to our ancestors and their belongings, Hiawatha First Nation is proud to offer trained Archaeological Liaisons to work alongside archaeologists on any First Nation sites within our territory. To request an archaeological liaison or if you have any questions about the fees or the program, contact Tom Cowie.

The Lands Resource Consultation office provide liaison services between Hiawatha First Nation Citizens, Hiawatha Chief and Council and external agencies, governments, or proponents on any proposed development or legislative amendments impacting treaty and aboriginal rights.

In 2017, Hiawatha Chief and Council approved the revised “Hiawatha First Nation Consultation and Accommodation Standards” to ensure our interests and inherent rights are being protected in our territory. All Governments and companies interested in doing business or making decisions about any developments within the traditional and treaty territory of Hiawatha First Nation need to have meaningful consultation.

Contact Information

Tom Cowie
Lands/Resource Consultation
Phone: (705) 295-4421 Ext. 216



Sean Davison
Lands/Resource Consultation
Phone: (705) 295-4421 Ext. 215



Mandy McGonigle
Archaeology Coordinator
Phone: (705) 295-4421 Ext. 225